Our Process

Thoughtful, Thorough, Time-Tested


We want to learn about you.

We like to meet in person to identify your priorities. There are no shortcuts to understanding your personal circumstances and objectives, and time spent with you is vital. One of us will serve as your primary advisor, helping to design a wealth management solution based on your needs.

Prepare to live confidently. We want to understand your investment experience, assets, liabilities, spending needs, income tax situation, and risk profile. We will ask about your family, your aspirations, and any specific constraints of which we should be aware, in order to develop a customized strategy for meeting your goals.

Evaluation & Analysis

We will then carefully analyze your current portfolio, financial situation, multi-generational family needs, and estate planning strategies to offer recommendations in these areas based on your risk tolerance, time horizon, and family objectives. This thorough process allows us to prepare a forward-looking plan for your success.


We collaborate with you.

Our goal is that you fully understand what we propose and why. That’s why we’ll carefully explain our strategies and your customized plan, so we are working together to help accomplish your goals. We will agree on the next steps, and coordinate with your other advisors to help maximize the effectiveness of your plan.

We offer a network of professional resources. Because your financial situation may be complex, our team, with your guidance, collaborates with accounting and legal professionals to coordinate, design, and implement specific strategies that can help you achieve your goals. This includes access to insurance, lending, and other professionals within Wells Fargo affiliates. We feel this cooperative capability sets us apart from other advisory firms.

Oversight & Review

We review your progress while preparing for the future.

Upon executing your plan, we will meet periodically to evaluate your progress toward your goals and dreams. Your needs will inevitably change; the markets will fluctuate; tax laws will be revised. We recognize that ongoing communication with you is essential in striving to achieve your future vision.